Releasing simultaneously with Unicorn Destroy Mode, this fantastic offering of the Unicorn Mode version of the titular mecha from "Mobile Suit Gundam UC" anime is represented with high-quality proportion and sharp detailing to its anime counterpart. This snap-fit plastic kit comes molded in color and features newly introduced polycap joints that allow for a wider range of posing possibilities! It can be armed with the included weaponry consisting of two beam sabers, a hyper bazooka, and a shield. Foil stickers are provided for detail. Includes exploded-view pictorial-type instructions, with notes in Japanese.
Please note: This item ships to us direct from Japan - packaging, promotional materials, and booklets may be in Japanese only. Images are for reference only and actual product appearance may vary
Scale: 1/144
Item Size/Weight: 31 x 19.3 x 7.2 cm / 310g
Manufacturer: BANDAI