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Gundam - MG Heavyarms


Regular price $71.99

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Check out the guns on this guy! And the amazing amount of missile pods.  Heavy Arms lives up to its name by sporting missile pods on its shoulders, skirt, and legs and if that wasn't enough he also carries around that massive gun!  Molded completely in color the Heavy Arms snaps together easily and once finished will stand in a variety of poses.  It also comes with an option assembly for the arm allowing it to store a beam saber handle and a whole lot of markings (sticker and dry transfer). 


Please note: This item ships to us direct from Japan - packaging, promotional materials, and booklets may be in Japanese only. Images are for reference only and actual product appearance may vary

Scale: 1/100
Item Size/Weight: 31.0cm x 20.0cm x 11.3cm / 610g
Manufacturer: BANDAI