We are relocating to Melbourne in 2025! Click this banner to be taken to our FAQ page.

CHC Melbourne Move QnA

Are you guys closing?

NO. We are just moving.

When is the move?

Our last day of operations in Canberra will be the 13th of December 2024. We will then commence our Melbourne move, and we expect to re-open once we're settled in Melbourne roughly on the 1st of February 2025 (TENTATIVE). We are aiming for an earlier re-opening if possible, but it all depends on how fast we can sort out our new website!

We will be sharing updates on social media along the way!

What's going to happen with my order if I order on the last day of operations? When will the website close?

Our website will be closed for the move on the 14th of December 2024, 0000 AEDT.
All outstanding parcels will be dispatched 14th December 2024, at 1100 AEDT
We will be honoring local pickups right until midnight on the 13th of Dec! (2359 AEDT)

Why the move? What's the motivation behind it?

We both have accepted new career opportunities that require us to be in Melbourne most of the time, and would also like to spend more time with family. Simple as that!

Are you guys keeping the "Canberra Hobby Centre" name?

Yes we are.

But why keep it if you guys are moving to Melbourne?

CHC was born in Canberra, and we want to keep servicing Canberra - even after our move to Melbourne. CHC Will continue to sponsor the ACT Scale Modeller's Society (ACTSMS) and their local show, ScaleACT. Starting end of the year, we have signed a 5-year contract to become one of their platinum sponsors.

Our focus has always been for the greater Canberra scale model/ Gunpla enthusiasts. We are currently working on a no minimum / minimal free shipping amount to Canberra to continue this relationship with our previous local pickup customers.

Have you guys tried to sell the business/ hand it over to another person?

Yes, but unfortunately we couldn't find someone suitable to take over the business. We are very specific in the type of individual we're after to continue the customer service standards + scale modelling guidance.

So.... what will change?

A few things will change (obviously), but some things will remain the same:

  • CHC will relaunch with a new CHC 2.0 website upon opening in Melbourne.
  • Shipping rates will definitely change, with Melbourne now having the "same-state shipping" buff!
  • We will no longer be stocking any scale model kits - this includes resin conversions. However, we will still be stocking spare parts.
  • We will no longer be carrying the following tool brands: Anubis, GZ Studio, and Alexen Models.
  • We will be expanding the lineup of our other tool brands, primarily Hobby Mio and DSPIAE.
  • We will be expanding our decal lineup to include more G-Rework variants, as well as expanding the Mio decal lineup to include carbon fiber decal sheets and other patterns.
  • We will be adding new tool brands into our existing lineup!
  • Dispatch will obviously be from Melbourne instead of Canberra.

...and that's it! 80% of customers are postal customers, so there are no changes on the shipping/ordering side of things except the dispatch location. What you will see is just a downsized store. The same goes to our international customers.

Will there be a local pickup option for Melbourne?

Sadly no, because of our planned location and feasibility to get around.

You're still going to stock Zurc, right??

Of course! Zurc isn't going anywhere. On a more selfish reason, how can we ever swap to another paint brand? We need Zurc too much!

I don't care about the move - I just want good deals. So when is the big sale event?

Let's first set the expectation: not everything will be on sale or liquidated.

Of course, if we still have excess stock closer to our move, then there might be an event. Be sure to visit us at the Wagga Scale Model Show and ScaleACT for some spontaneous deals on the day!

Well that's kinda lame. Will you do a big sale when you re-open, then? I don't want to pay full price.

There are no guarantees that we will be doing a sale event when we re-open.

How about free shipping?

Now that we're downsizing to mainly tools, free shipping over X domestically is something we are currently trying to negotiate with Australia Post. We may not know Auspost's decision until we are established in Melbourne.

Will your contact details remain the same?

Our e-mails will remain the same, but our P.O Box will change to a Melbourne-based one. However, once we are established in Melbourne, our previous mobile number will be deactivated.

Customers can always reach us through our social media accounts (Facebook or Instagram) for a chat or some good ole' Gundam memes!

Will you guys still come to future Canberran scale model events (e.g: ScaleACT / Geek Markets / Cancon)?

Definitely ScaleACT, and others depending on if we can take additional time off work.

How about other scale model events (e.g: NSW Scale Model Show / Wagga Show, etc)?

All depends on our new work leave arrangements.

Will you sell RCs/ drones?

No. For the last time, NO. We DO NOT sell RCs or drones.