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Zurc Scale Model Paints

Zurc Paints - Enamel Panel Line Wash (Gray)

Zurc Paints - Enamel Panel Line Wash (Gray)

Regular price $11.99 AUD
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Gray enamel wash, comes in a 50ml bottle.
This enamel panel line wash is easy to use - simply use a brush or Q-tips to apply the solution into your kit's panel lines! The liquid will fill those lines.

To clean up this panel line wash, we recommend using lighter fluid, since it doesn't damage the plastic.

We also strongly recommend topcoating the kit first before attempting panel lining, since enamel washes are known to make the plastic brittle. Don't want exploding kits 'round here!


WARNING: Please ensure adequate PPE is used when using this wash. Using a respirator is highly reccommended, as with using an airbrush booth to vent out fumes. Please also ensure adequate ventilation when painting at all times. 

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